Last week, we announced our new website. Hopefully, this has improved the overall experience of using our site. However, this is about our latest Plus feature, brand filtering in your price alerts.
For those of you who have an existing price alert, filtering by distance and by fuel type is already possible. With a Plus membership, you can now filter your alerts to only show certain brands.
This is game-changing for those who have a preferred station to fill up at, whether you’re a fan of the super-cheap supermarkets or you’re a traditionalist who stays loyal to the original retailers.
To add a price alert by brand, head to the alerts section of the member’s area and select the option you would like from the drop-down.
If you’d like to start filtering your price alerts by brand, you’ll need to be a Plus member, which is just £2 per month (or less than a cup of coffee!).
If you’re already part of the Plus membership, just head to the alerts section of the member area using this dropdown.
Once you’re in the alerts section, you’ll see all your existing price alerts. However, you’ll notice the additional drop-down box listed under ‘Brand’. Clicking on this will open up a list of all the brands we have price data for.

For example, if you’d like to show only Tesco stations, merely click the Tesco station listing, remember, you’ll need to click save changes. If you don’t, your price alert won’t update.
If you ever want to suggest a new feature, head to the contact page and click “suggest a feature”.