The number of people each month getting caught for speeding seems to be increasing. And one of the reasons for this jump is the tech being used to catch drivers. The latest LTI Laser 2020 speed camera can catch a driver in just 0.03 seconds, working from up to 1,000 metres away and even has infrared to work at night.
High tech trap
The modern speed camera is a high-tech trap to catch drivers breaking the rules. The cameras can operate in any conditions and have a number of special filters that enable them to work in poor weather. The camera works in just 0.03 seconds so that by the time you have come around the corner and spotted the van, it has already clocked your speed and your details. And you’re still not safe from them at night as they have infrared facilities to allow them to take shots in the dark.
Details of the workings of these high-tech cameras came from an interview with a Camera Technician Enforcement Officer in the Grimsby Telegraph and gave a great deal of insight into the process of recording speeds. Known only as ‘Tommy’ the officer said that he would prefer not to catch anyone and that there is no quota regarding the number of people they must catch per day or even week.
Busy work
During the interview, the camera was located on the A18 Barton Street in Grimsby and quickly caught a speeder who was doing 62mph in a 50mph zone. A change of location to the Laceby roundabout nearby saw another two people caught, one doing 59mph and the other 67mph. The camera does have a tolerance of 10% plus 2mph, but all of these drivers will be receiving a fine and points.
We all hate getting caught speeding and some people take a more active role in trying to avoid the fine. One man tried to reach through the window to grab the speed camera – Tommy said that he always keeps the doors locked.
During the three hours that the reporter was with the officer, there were a total of 19 drivers who were caught exceeding the speed limit by enough to get them a fine and points and all of the footage is stored securely so there’s no chance that it can be altered.
Average speed cameras
While vans are the visible sign of speed enforcement, another type of camera is becoming increasingly popular around the UK – the average speed camera. One of the roads to recently receive their cameras is the A55 in North Wales. The cameras were put in place when drivers were found to be frequently breaking the 70mph limit on the road.
The cameras between J30 and J28 are temporary at the moment but there is talk that they could be permanent. They are one of two sets of such cameras in the region with the other on the A541 in Flintshire. They show the new face of speed enforcement that means you don’t need an enforcement officer constantly operating them.
These cameras are set 200 metres apart along a stretch of road at regular intervals in a managed speed control zone. Cameras have a date and time stamp as well as automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) which allows the computer to work out your average speed between the cameras. This then triggers the automatic fine to be sent. People think they are limited to working through the day but like the mobile speed cameras, they are also fitted with filters to work in all weathers and work at night with infrared tech built in.
Digital cameras on the street
The final other major development in speed cameras is the use of digital speed cameras on streets around the country. The new cameras have recently been added to streets around Swansea and replace the former systems which still used a 35mm ‘wet’ film. The problem with this system was that the film would run out and this would see an increase in speeding in the area.
The new cameras will be used to send out Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) for minor offences while larger offences can lead to a prosecution. If you break the speed limit by more than 30mph and are caught by the cameras, you could face being disqualified from driving. The switch to digital speed cameras is being rolled out across the country.
Spectre of speeding
None of us like to drive along a road and see a speed camera van with its tell-tale camera facing towards us. And there’s nothing worse than receiving that letter through the post telling us we have been caught. With new technology improving the reliability and sensitivity of the cameras, it does seem that the only way to be sure to avoid a fine is to avoid speeding – full stop.
Have you been caught by a speed camera in a van? Did you know how quick a speed camera could catch you? We’d love to hear your experiences!
Good to know that the morons who ignore speed limits, and in so doing endanger others, are getting caught.
Yes, but the real speeders invariably are the ones with no insurance, mot or tax and the car is registered to a false name and address. Doesn’t bother them does it?
Actually the results show that these are a very small minority, stolen cars excepted of course.
Yeah all those company cars that are BMWs Audi’s etc are all uninsured! What world do you live in? Pure fantasy by the sounds of it.
Or they are using YOUR number plates on their, probably, stolen cars.
Explain why ignoring the speed limit endangers others? So 2 am in morning m74 100mph just you an may be one other on road. Pretty safe. School kicking out time mum in big range rover doing school run on phone with screaming bratt one already in car looking for number 2, who is the most dangerous now Jez?
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Yes the school run is a nightmare, going on to speeding as have been court speeding in the past,I have learned to keep to the limits but doing so you get a lot of morons driving as if they fed up of living, so you drivers stop speeding stop been selfish and thing of others because you get what you deserve end of story
Along a residential street where kids, cyclists and pedestrians could get hurt, fine, but you never see them there, only on fast A roads with low accident rates.
Of course, that’s nothing to do with money and of course it’s about “deterring speeding” if you believe that rubbish, despite excess speed only being responsible for between 3% and 5% of accidents
So I take it that you approve of speeding on fast roads with low accident rates?
That’s not what he said !!
You are correct of course (if you ignore the question mark of course, which should be a bit of a give-away) but I think you’ll find it certainly is what he’s implying.
Speaking of ignoring things it’s interesting how some people like to blindly stick to (and distort) some ‘facts’ – ie excess speed being responsible for a small percentage of accidents but conveniently ignore all other relevant facts/causes/behaviors/impacts. With over 165,000 road injuries, 25,000 serious injuries and 1,770 deaths per year that 5% would only amount to a paltry 8,000 injuries, 1300+ serious injuries and 90 deaths DIRECTLY from speeding. Hardly worth bothering about them or the tens of thousands of relatives etc impacted, the millions of pounds spent on healthcare etc, the thousands of hours other motorists are delayed by etc etc etc. After all the most important thing is that someone gets somewhere a wee bit quicker and we can claim that the Nanny State is persecuting us all.
A paltry 90 deaths due to drivers either thinking that speeding does not matter or not driving with sufficient care. Let’s hope that the paltry 90 deaths do not include any family members, after all it is only 3-5% of the total deaths.
The point is that what is being done to reduce the other 95% of deaths, sh*t driving being the main cause 🙁
Sweet FA is the answer, but lets focus on the 5% as we always do………As its an impossible and non money generating task to re-train people to dive safely, appropriately for the conditions etc
Spot on.Too many bad drivers on the road.
Yes, every death is a disaster for all concerned, of course – but the war on speed is nevertheless a case of shooting fish in a barrel, a way of raising some revenue and showing that The State is all-powerful. Yes, the slower you have a nasty collision, the less likely you may be to die from it, but far better to simply pay more attention when driving (and trust that others will exercise similar care) and thereby avoid such nasty collisions in the first place. Worrying about speed, if taken to a perfectly logical conclusion, might as well see the reintroduction of the person with a red flag walking ahead of every motorized vehicle and a road speed limit of 2mph, as per the turn of the 20th Century in the UK. It is a Nanny State.
Yes it is
No, but it’s what he implied.
Poor drivers cause more accidents so speed is a bit of an irrelevance still see loads of people on their mobiles while driving and people who change lanes on motorways and a roads with out indicating or looking cause most accidents there as well. Never seen an accident caused by speed on a motorway but plenty buy idiots who can’t drive
I certainly agree with you on that score.
You obviously don’t spend much time on m/ways then do you?
Poor drivers travelling at excessive speed cause even more problems (not exactly an irrelevance). Clearly what you need is a speed camera that catches poor drivers speeding but ignores the speed of all you GOOD drivers.
Speed might not always cause an accident, but the consequences of any accident are more serious with extra speed. Energy is proportional to speed squared, so the energy at 60mph is nearly half as much again as 50mph (3600/2500, or 1.44 times). And the energy is not just how hard it smashes into something, it’s how hard it is to change direction, slow down. I’d like cars to tell us when we’re exceeding the limit, so it’s not such a big shock when we get caught.
Not seen your speedo in your car, its the thing that TELLS you how fast your going!
Many cars have speed limiters the driver can set plus speed sign recognition.
Many cars do not have speed limiters or sign recognition, only a few of the top of range ones that the vast majority of us cannot afford or just don’t want an expensive flash car…
Shows you Mememe…not tells you
They do set speed limiter car will not go faster than set speed ,but you can kick acceleration pedal down to over ride for safety like having to accelerate out off trouble , unless you are in speed camera area , probably better to crash than break the speed limit !
I have been involved in a speed related accident on a motorway. I was hit at high speed from behind, whilst dawdling at the back ok a slow moving queue. The impact was so heavy it shunted 4 cars which were all travelling at the same speed slowly about a cars length apart.
So what is your preferred solution, David? To get drivers to look where they’re going, or to lower the motorway speed limit to the same speed as a “dawdling queue”?
Speeding IS driving poorly!
Your statement depends on which country you are driving in and what their laws are on speed limits! On holiday I regularly cruised at anything between 90mph and 150mph depending on the traffic with a maximum of 165mph on a good day, and on that day I asked 2 traffic police officers who were manning a speed detection camera what the speed limit was for that stretch of road and they said”how fast will your car go?”
I suspect that by ‘speeding’, he meant exceeding the speed limit.
speeding is going faster than conditions permit, with the posted limit being the overriding factor. Going at ‘the speed limit’ in poor conditions etc isn’t safe.
Speed does not cause accidents, it is bad driving i.e. not driving to the prevailing conditions, road quality etc.
This is dangerously close to the US Gun Lobby saying “Guns don’t kill people, people do”. Yes, people with Guns. If a road has (say) a 50mph limit posted, it means someone has decided that’s a safe speed for that section. It’s not down to individuals to decide that actual (for them) 67mph is fine (because they are ‘safe drivers’). That said, there are a nu ber of areas in my neck of the woods that have 60mph limits on narrow single lane roads (the National limit for those) which should be less, so it works both ways.
It should be completely down to the individual to assess the safe speed. If the individual’s ability to assess that is not good enough, then effect a speed limit on that driver. I want the chance to prove that I can judge what speed is safe, not have a system that tars me with the same brush as all the sh*tty phone welding drivers out there. The current system penalises good drivers, and doesn’t go far enough to limit poor drivers. We live in a world of tech, so I’d be happy to pay for personal plates registered to me that state whether the speed I’m allowed to drive at in any particular location outside of built-up areas is limited or not. Cameras recognise my plates and know whether to give me a ticket or not.
what right do you have to think you’re so important or clever that you can choose which speed limit or other rules you should obey or disregard, drive any speed you like, have a drink or two, crossing solid white lines because you’re in a hurry and need to overtake, parking on zig zag lines because you need to pop into the shops. Speed limits are there because drivers can’t assess the appropriate speed or simply decide to ignore it because they think they’re too clever for such impositions. Take some advanced training and get some responsibility.
To claim that this matter is very similar to the US gun lobby is not a reasonable stance. A gun is designed to kill and has little purpose for civilian use in a civilised society. The motor vehicle is an essential tool in a modern society without which most localities would no longer function. Also going at excessive speed risks more harm in a crash but who is to say what is a safe speed. Weather conditions affect this as does the ability of the driver. Perhaps newly qualified drivers should have a personal maximum imposed for the first year, but that would have to be policed – and by whom? There is a problem area that has not been mentioned yet and that is who determines what is the safe speed for a particular stretch of road? This is a problem area that is not addressed and I believe contributes to motorists lack of respect for speed limits. This has not been helped by the plethora of 20mph limits that many councils are spending large amounts of money to introduce. Some surveys have shown that most motorists do not keep to these limits suggesting that they are not respected. If they are not kept to then what is the point in having them? The income raised from mobile cameras on these roads will not cover the costs of introducing them and there are far better safety measures that councils could spend OUR money on with greater benefits. This thoughtless drive towards cracking down on speed whatever means that more drivers fail to respect the system which is so badly implemented.
Apart from the possibility that some councils see speed management as an income source more than as a safety measure there very inconsistent and sometimes poorly signed speed limit system in the UK needs a drastic overhaul. Therefore a very large number of drivers fail to see a problem in going a “little” over the speed limit. No doubt most of those drivers would rethink that if they hit a person and caused injury, but then its too late.
Nevertheless authorities really do need to up their game if they are to gain respect from the motorist. If there was a national standard where roads were professionally assessed according to scientifically proven standards then Peter8 may have a good point. However I have seen several roads where the speed limit changes exactly where the road authority boundary changes, even though the road conditions were exactly identical: same lighting, same side roads, same ground level, no schools, hospitals or OAP homes etc so the speed limit should have been the same. Yet one was 30mph and the other was 40mph. I have seen many instances of this sloppy official assessment. There are many cases where very similar roads have as much as a 20mph difference because they are in different authorities.
So without high quality standards used by the people assessing the roads and scientifically determining what is a safe speed then we will continue to see sloppy road speed management leading to confusion by drivers about what the safe limit is. That will lead to less respect for speed limits because we cannot trust them. So authorities have to spend money policing them instead of getting the public to respect them and thereby get more people sticking to the limit because they trust that the roads needs to be that limit.
Speed limit signs are usually displayed fairly clearly but not always, especially where there is a lot of poorly managed undergrowth. This is a worsening situation as councils constantly claim that they have no money to spend on cutting back branches hiding overgrown signs. (Maybe they have spent it on installing more unnecessary “safety” measure instead.) Road speeds should be set by nationally trained and appointed inspectors not local government officials who I doubt have had consistent training that ensures consistent standards of assessment between different authorities. It will never be perfect but at present we are far from a consistent road speed assessment.
Some authorities ensure that when the speed limit changes there is a step down of speeds so that drivers are not forced to brake hard to avoid the speed camera that is set up just past the lower speed limit sign. On one road in Oxfordshire I have seen several dangerous instances where hard braking because of a 30mph change in speed limit from 60 to 30 followed immediately by a camera nearly caused an accident. Again poor management by the people who claim to be more interested in safety than in raising cash.
We need a national professional body of road speed management that we can trust rather than the adhoc bunch of poorly trained people we have now. This would ensure more respect for the mess of different road speeds that we have today.
While the point that excessive speed makes the consequences of an accident worse the true cause is as others have said that its bad driving and not taking account of the conditions that is the problem. One thing that speed cameras are very bad it is assessing bad driving. At present making that call is down to police officers who are now much fewer in number and don;t have time to spot many bad drivers. Of course there are now cameras that can spot the illegal use of a mobile when driving along and prosecute those careless drivers who think they are clever enough to drive and play with their mobile at the same time but this and traffic light cameras are the only ways the authorities can detect bad driving at present and speed management remains the easy option for councils to pretend that they care about safety.
Correct analysis ! A gun is a weapon, a car is a tool; a Knife is a tool when used by a carpenter, Fisherman, or Chef, etc. but when carried around the streets at night ot becomes a weapon! Gas engineers re-sit their exams every five years before they are allowed to continue their registration, perhaps we should do the same with the driving test, it would probably save hundreds of lives!
I am in total agreement with you, Peter P; if the rules were clear, sensible and properly assessed, then the public could have Confidence in them. I too have seen that 30mph speed TRAP!
The second factor is the abysmal level of driving skill exhibited on the roads, possibly because after a year, or four or ten, the driver has become less scrupulous about the standard of his/her driving, or maybe their eyesight has deteriorated and is un-corrected, or they have more stress and distraction in life.
Whatever the reason, the only effective way to re-align such drivers is to introduce a regular and robust Driving Test, e.g. at three-yearly intervals, with a temporary ban until they have re-studied and re-taken and passed said test. If you like, a regular MOT for the most critical element in a moving vehicle – the driver.
This would gradually re-introduce people to the Highway Code, to the correct way to drive in differing circumstances and encourage them to focus and be more effective in their own lives.
The effect would be to remove a good proportion of the most dangerous drivers – those who cannot pass the test should not be on the roads alone.
The other group of dangerous drivers might respond to this re-education, but they would be the correct target for policing, ideally in a more robust manner than sifting through camera files.
Education and training is the only effective way to improve safety and reduce the toll on the roads.
I second that, PeterB. In the UK we can’t understand how the USA can fail to see the harm that gun ownership does, but I bet much of the world think we’re stupid for driving so damn fast. I spent some time driving in Australia, and it was lovely because everyone observed the speed limit, because the speeding penalties are draconian and because they hide their speed cameras, something I think we should do in Britain. Then, we shall see a cultural shift where people just won’t speed because they have no idea if they’ll be caught on camera. I comply almost religiously to the speed limit, and I wish everyone else would grow up, stop making excuses, and do likewise.
Or there will be an increase in the criminal practice of illegal, ‘anonymous’ number plates. As it is we are told that 25% of vehicles on the roads are uninsured, untaxed, no MOT, driver disqualified, etc.
All right then, people with cars cause accidents. Let’s ban people from owning cars.
So ….. you mean driving too fast where the conditions aren’t good or the road quality if poor ……………. but that’s got nothing whatever to do with speed?
With that clarity of thought you could make a fortune as a Brexit negotiator (Unless you already ARE one of course. That would explain things).
I think the point raised here is although 70 MPH is the max speed for a motorway there are times when it is not a great idea to be doing 70MPH ie in fog or on ice it is then more about using common sense and an appropriate speed for the prevailing conditions. No one will ever win a battle over speeding at any time but there should in the right circumstances be perhaps a modicum of common sense applied and perhaps better use of 20mph zones eg when the lights flash rather than 24hrs a day like when there is no school open. Its obviously cheaper to erect a couple of 20 signs than an electronic display board but everything has a cost, time is money so a few minute here and a few minutes there multiplied by thousands of drivers every day adds up to a lot.
Speeding does cause accidents. Consider reaction time and just how many speed and drive too ckose. There are other negatives also,like driving on the inside lane within the speed limit and not knowing if it is safe to pull out to overtake when a car is visible behind in the outer lane and you dobt know that he is travelling faster than you. Speeding also actually causes traffic jams at junctions and traffic islands when wanting to pull out.
That’s not speeding. That’s simply poor judgement.
Yes – the speed limits on roads in general seem to get slower and slower whilst cars are being made to be more and more efficient all around, including braking and maneuverability. As has been stated elsewhere, it is poor driving, rather than speed which is the cause of most accidents. I would also add that driving too slow can also be a danger.
Yes, driving too slow is a danger. I’ve seen and passed many people who think it’s ok to do 50 – 60 on a motorway in lane 2 or 3 when there is no reason for it. These are the people who are responsible for the traffic jams because they drive in the wrong lane. People dont move left after overtaking. This leads me to believe that they don’t use their mirrors.
It _is_ OK to do 50 or 60, and the lane you’re using with regard to your speed is irrelevant – the outer lanes are for overtaking, nothing more. Driving at that speed saves a lot of fuel and is less tiring. People driving at this speed are only a cause of traffic jams if they refuse to move over when done overtaking, which applies to anyone driving at pretty much any speed.
Dont you approve then ? Most people do.
11% of collisions causing injury. 15% of those causing serious injury. And nearly a quarter of those causing death.
I don’t know where your figures are from but if they include slow speed bumps in traffic, they’re irrelevant.
2017 government accident statistics for all roads stated that around 5% of accidents are due to people exceed the posted speed limit. The focus should be on the other 95%
Spot on and if I committed a mere 5% of murders in the UK I’d fully expect the police to concentrate on those scoundrels and scallywags that are committing the other 95%. Me, I’m a GOOD murderer.
driving at posted speed doesn’t mean it’s safe
01:23am, 35mph in a 30mph zone. Small country village, arrived there by taking wrong turn. 190 miles from home, Completely black, no street lights, nothing. And then I was blinded by the speed camera situated outside the village school. Please note 01:23am in the morning.
I was summonsed to the speed awareness course where forced down my throat was that these cameras are for safety. I asked for someone in authority to explain whose safety at 01:23 in the morning. I was told to sit down and shut up or be thrown off the course where the 3 points would be added to my license and I would have to pay the £60 fine. I had already paid as I was on a 380 mile round trip plus a hotel. That was more economical than the 3 penalty points that would have pushed my insurance up!
I was speeding on a 30mph road. No excuse. Claiming safety is stupid. The law states 30mph I should have been at 30mph.
What I actually object to is that the authorities have the technology to control the speed sensing of these cameras, so why can’t they switch them off when the ‘safety’ they claim they are being used for is no longer an issue.
I agree that there are too many idiots who want speed and especially where schools and children are concerned. But! At 1am in the morning?
There does not seem to be any common sense used, early hours it is a bit silly, maybe when we leave the EU we could have a referendum on whether we really need a government that continually bends us over and does nasty things to us. I am expecting a fine and 3 points for this comment
There will never be another referendum in this country again – not after the grief caused by the last one
Peter. The Swiss have referendums on a regular basis.. but they dont have the arrogant back stabbing self serving MPs like we do.
You mean like we vote for? I’m going to blame the Government for making me vote for them!
Do the the people that lose a particular referendum in Switzerland ask for a new referendum a few months later, so they can have another go?
Yes, heaven forbid the public should have an opinion.
We are too stupid to know what we are doing though …
There is only one party there is made to believe theirs more. But if you Google Agenda 21 documented through the decades you will see they are all one. Read all if possible the last is never the last.
John, Is that why so many get caught speeding
I know it’s a joke.
I know the Countries a total mess gross greed on the Government’s part they and no Government is for the people. They are for themselves and their bank accounts.
On Jersey in the Channel Islands they have part time 20mph speed limits outside schools which are electronic & probably under the control of the school, whilst we get blanket 20mph zones imposed & 24/7 as well.
Unfortunately no one is prepared to stick their neck out and admit that many cameras are simply revenue generating devices. They do no favours in the long run as they erode public confidence in policing.
It is also utterly shameful that outwith cities and off the motorways, a safety camera van is the most likely visible sign of policing that most people encounter. That is simply very wrong but no one in a position of authority is saying so.
Put a camera on the right place for saftey and they can be life savers just unfortunately they are not
Your point on the visability of police is very well made
I don’t have any confidence anyway in the police. And since they let thousands of Muslim immigrants through our borders without police checks. They walk free after raping our children as that’s is allowed by them in there religion. So the police have no bottle in doing the right thing.
Such a clueless comment does not deserve a reply but then…..
Seriously? Your comment is ignorance in the greatest capacity. Inciteful comments like this only serve to discriminate and breed hatred. Educate yourself and do this great country a favour, otherwise be quiet.
You really are clueless on this subject
What has that got to do with speeding?
Shut up John, I don’t have any confidence in you.
And even these I believe are now staffed by civilian operators!!
Similar situation – 34 in a 30, outside a suburban school, but at 7.31 on a Saturday evening. Had to do 80 mile round trip to go on the course. Never during the week are there less likely to be children in the vicinity, so what sad ‘so-and-so’s would park the van there at that time? (meanwhile, in town, the drunks and football hooligans are already fighting).
Account doesn’t stack up. 34mph is below the threshold for a penalty in a 30 zone. Porkies?
Not all authorities apply the “standard” 10% +2 I believe
No its not. Its within the limit to get a SAC rather than points. I had exactly the same (34mph in 30mph zone) having just come off a dual carriageway with a 70 mph limit. No schools or anything (and it was 8pm on a weekday), just a a copper with a speed gun and nothing else to do.
So 8pm is an accident free time of day is it? Or is it your lack of being able to drive at 30 in a 30 that’s the issue. Does your car not have a speedometer?
How would you feel if a friend of yours or a member of your family was seriously injured or killed by someone doing 34 in a 30, would you say the driver did nothing wrong he should be let off?
Not necessarily true. It may very well be that Sue Hallam is telling the truth. Don’t forget that the speed management system ultimately relies on people, even where automated fines are issued. I know of two instances where people were issued speeding fines or courses at less than 34 mph in a 30 zone. But the recipients chose not to challenge them so the penalties stood. Furthermore it can depend on local policing policy. Some Chief Constables have promoted an absolute zero tolerance of speeding even at 1mph above. Even though the CPS and other police chiefs said that this was not legally safe and could be challenged. Nevertheless there is nothing stopping a particular authority from chancing it and going for zero tolerance and hoping the extra income makes it worth their legal gamble. After all if the prosecuted person does not challenge the fine they must pay it.
I know of another instance where a speed fine was issued to a person who was actually at work with her car in the work car park – 25 miles from the camera with a former police officer signing as a witness as to her innocence. Only because she challenged the fine was it withdrawn (with no apology or excuse for their mistake).
So if you don’t believe a fine is fair then challenge it. They do get it wrong sometimes.
Again, I concur, Peter.
I was foolish enough at one time to have amassed 9 points, so I was “driving on egg-shells” and using cruise set at 30mph a lot. in just this circumstance, I was allegedly clocked at 35mph, by a white van with the infamous LTI 2020.
To prevent losing my licence under the ‘totting-up’ rule, and losing my job and house and possibly my family, I took on the system.
After 18 months of work, seven pre-trial hearings, seven magistrates and an enormous amount of threatening behaviour by the Clerks of the Court and the police record keepers, who all basically told me to shut up, roll over and take the penalty, I paid for a real expert to analyse the video recording.
His three reports basically stated that the camera had been so rarely calibrated and the required set-up checks and procedures so poorly done, that the evidence could have applied to a passing helicopter.
The CPS folded, due to a complete lack of evidence and the case never went through the full court procedure. This was a shame, because if it had, then the local paper could have reported this travesty, and the dozens, or hundreds of others who were fined and issued points could then have claimed and appealed.
If you don’t agree with a Notice, then search for and contact “pepipoo”, who helped me keep my life together and achieve justice.
Not any more I’ve known prosecutions for 32
I have seen such claims in several forums. Not one person has been able to post a NoIP as evidential back up.
I’ll bet you can’t either.
read this article it explains +1mph is illegal. it is one of many found;
not all authorities apply that tolerance, in some areas do 31MPH then ticket is issued
North Yorks don’t apply the 10% + 2 tolerance, you have been warned 🙂
car speedos are typically about 10 in error on the slow side, so your 34 probably showed as 37 to 38 on your speedo. That’s acceptable driving past a school is it? Did you consider there might be an event on at the school? PTA, fundraising, concert or whatever???
Staff in speed reduction vans are not police officers so would never be working a city centre carnage zone!
1am is the morning. What’s this “1 am in the morning” rubbish
just after 12:59am…. !
Friend got done at 1am on a 50 stretch of works on the M5, for 44 on a 40 limi, went to the speed course, and when she told the ‘enforcer’ why she was there, the repy was – so they sent you here for doing that?? He thought it stupid.
Not my experience of SAC’s. Usually they spend lots of time making you watch videos of how you’s knock down va child if you were only doing 1 mph over the limit. We have laws for a reason, follow them or find another country (I believe you can currently still move directly to at least 27 of those without any problem) – but would you really want to???.
Don’t live in France, their camera vans are unmarked, cops with cameras hide anywhere even in long grass, on bridge’s and take great delight in giving you an “on the spot fine” and if you can’t pay they double it
As unfair as many people believe the British policing of speed to be, its worse in France. Not only can a police officer ban you on the spot (for going well above the limit), they have made speed camera detectors illegal.
Same thing happen to me on Southend sea front as the speed limit is 20mph- I was doing 33MPH as 4;30AM – no others cars or anyone about!!
Well, then well over the limit!
Thing to remember is ‘you can’t see what you can’t see, until you see it’ ….then it might be too late, like the speed camera or copper that nicked you?
Clearly there WAS someone (or something) else about!
You don’t have to don the course where the offence tool place. You can do it nationally at a large number of locations
Didn’t realise speeding at night was any worse than speeding in the day, in fact in the “dark where there is no streetlights”any pedestrians trying to cross the road will not be able to gauge your speed thus knowing it is a 30 zone think they have more tome to cross than they do.
Speeding is speeding regardless of the time of day or any other excuse.
Don’t be an idiot he wasn’t doing 70 in a 30 zone. A few miles won’t change anything. The police better catch real criminals…
Surely, at 1am in the pitch dark with no lighting is the very time you should be keeping to speed limits? Anyway, speed cameras tend to go off behind you, not in front, how did this ‘blind’ you?
A Minority of cameras are forward facing, such as those in Northamptonshire where they use Truvelo “safety” speed cameras. They face forward and contribute to causing some accidents. This is because when a speeding driver (yes I know they were the main cause fr speeding) suddenly braked very hard when they saw the camera ahead they nearly caused an accident. I know of one incident where they did cause a rear end crash.
Of course other forward facing cameras are the mobile speed camera vans, but they don’t use flash to capture your picture.
I always laugh when I read about safety camera vans, one pulled out of a side road very close to me, fortunately for the driver I knew cadence braking and stopped just short of the driver, he continued to look ahead and drove away. Unfortunately, this was before the use of dash cameras.
Not all of them behind you….
You can’t win,mate! We might as well just keep under the limit.
How right you are! Nobody on here is saying they got done for doing 28mph in a 30 limit!! I wonder why??
A few years ago I was stopped by a police car for keeping to the speed limit because he thought it was suspicious behaviour, I was delayed for over half an hour as he checked the car and questioned me.
Are you still rolling out this ‘poor victim of the system, blinded by a speed camera’ story? Yes I know, nobody has ever been injured or killed at 1am, ever but I believe on a previous occasion I asked why you assumed it would be safe to drive at 35 mph in the dark through a village you didn’t know. I don’t think you responded. Yes, I know, it’s difficult as you’re probably busy with your crusade against all the speeding idiots (ie not you) on the roads. Maybe we should start a petition for cameras to be programmed to only detect ‘idiot’ speeders, but not any of the many sensible speeders who never cause accidents.
I believe Leeds have signs outside schools stating ’20mph when lit’. Otherwise it would be a more sensible (for the time of day) 30mph. Seems too much like common sense!
Rotherham has the same.
Surprised you got done for that as allowing for the 10% error in speedo and 2mph as recommended ay the Association of Chief Police Officers you should have been exceeding 35mph to have triggered the camera. I think in North Wales at least you would have got away with that one.
What is it with this 10% speedo error? If modern cars have such good brakes and ability to be driven safely, why o why do they fit speedo’s that have a 10% error factor?
While modern technology is making car instruments more reliable there is plenty of evidence that the speedos on cars, even new ones is not entirely reliable. In my experience they tend to be set a little high so that you are a little less likely to speed. However unless the speedos of vehicles are proven to be totally reliable it might in law provide an excuse that some courts might accept as reasonable so the police normally use the guidelines.
My understanding is that the courts do not want to risk failing in a prosecution so the CPS advice to the police is to stick to the guidelines for prosecutions. That does not stop them issuing a warning letter though so you might still get a letter from the police to advise you to keep your speed down.
So when drivers get a ticket for doing 34mph, there speedo is very likely to be showing 36 mph. Clearly little intent of following the equipment provided info in their vehicle.
Then they moan about getting nicked!
You can’t help some people, tolerance works to help them, then they ignore it and try for a little bit more!
Under UNECE Regulation 39, ALL car speedometers in vehicles produced after 2007 MUST over-read, so that you can never blame the instrument for speeding!!
There is an upper limit to the enforced inaccuracy of “10%+ 4km/h” (i.e. 92kph in an 80kph zone).
This is why your sat-nav is almost always more accurate than your speedometer.
Rubbish a friend of mine did 33 on this quad bike and got flashed and done for speeding -)))))))) 33 is the max speed of that quad bike. You want to try your luck? Try it yourself. The thing is compare your speedo to GPS first and most speedo show incorrect speed by 2-3mph – that is enough to get a ticket.
Martin P: By accepting placement on a Speed Awareness Course you implicitly accept your speeding misdemeanour and are also accepting the privilege of being able to avoid the imposition of a fine and penalty points. Whilst on the course it is not the time or place to try to contest your case which I strongly suspect was what you were doing. The course leader was acting correctly in telling you to shut up or be thrown off the course and have 3 points and penalty fine imposed.
I do, however, concede that driving at 35 mph in a 30 mph zone at 01:23 hours was not a serious misdemeanour.
The A18 where this photo was taken has an appalling accident rate, especially the part between Laceby and Ludborough, which was renamed from the B1431 with no straightening or widening. A family of five were all wiped out by a lorry coming the other way on a narrow twisty stretch in 2015. After that the speed limit was lowered to 50 mph.
Incidentally the Barton Street is not “in Grimsby”. It runs some 40 miles through countryside from Louth to Barton on Humber. Like the (Roman) Watling Street, Ermine Street and Caistor High Street, it is a long rural highway.
But, the question is who was speeding? The family of five or the lorry – which should have only been doing the present speed limit of 50mph. My guess is that one of them was on the wrong side of the road.
Or someone was stuck behind a slug doing 35 and was desperate to overtake.
Did they have to speed up to do it? I’m just asking because according to most of the comments on here it’s actually more dangerous to slow down.
Well said Simon Henly we have a school near us and there is a big sign stating 20 MPH and on a blind corner. And people can be seen doing way over that limit. Luckily no one has been hurt, YET
I live on a road with a junior school in it.20mph was put on it around two years ago. We have observed cars doing around 50/60 mph at times. We complained about it and the police carried out a camera speed check. I was there at the time. A woman in a large tourer was clocked at 39 mph, along with others doing anywhere between 25/35 mph. All got the usual choice of punishment. Since then we have not seen the police, worse luck. We are just waiting for a child to be badly hurt or worse still killed. There are no speed bumps or anything in the road.
This is mainly an exercise to collect revenue on top of sugar tax bedroom tax toilet roll tax! And all the other taxes ie air tax rain tax. If it exists then it’s taxable.
So every driver in the UK leave for your journey 1 or 2 hours earlier especially if it’s a long journey on the motorway. No matter what the speed limit everyone travel at 29 mph and if in a 20 mph or below travel at half that speed. Then wait for the new to slow cameras to emerge.
Pathetic times we live in.
Well for me taxation is one of the greatest things ever invented, so please keep on speeding, stuffing your face with chocolate, wiping your **se (assuming you can do your own of course) and fly as much as possible, thus contributing to the common good.
Regarding bedroom tax I really don’t want to know what you do in your bedroom that might incur a fine or taxation. Best you keep your little peccadilloes to yourself.
The law is the law, Simon, even if you don’t like it. Obedience to the law is one mark of a civilised society; it’s a pity you don’t want to join it.
I saw a speed camera van in a lay-by on the A417 yesterday. Nice open road so no real need for it. Maybe that’s why the articulated lorry in front of it had reversed into it !!! 😂😂😂
I saw that one, too. Funnily enough there just happens to be a nice straight section of road with a long downhill run for them to aim their cameras at. One can but hope the van will be out of action for a while now.
Incidentally, Gloucestershire police could spare two traffic cars and a third en route at well over the speed limit to deal with this very minor accident.
My latest car, a Ford sMax is equipped with a camera that reads speed restriction signs. It then adjusts the speed of the vehicle accordingly. It also reads temporary signs at road works. If signs are obscured by trees etc, the car picks up the limit for the road from GPS information.
The speed limit is shown on the dash panel and a warning is given if the limit is exceeded, for instance on a steep downhill section of road. The system does not apply the brakes.
I know for a fact that this system not only takes away the stress of constantly having to check for changes in restrictions, but despite trying to keep to speed limits this device has saved me a few times in this car. Of course it can be switched off and pressing the accelerator to the floor disables it, but why would I not want it working all the time?
Sounds too much like George Orwell’s big brother to me.
If you think that, you need to re-read that book!
Never read it.
Get a grown up to read it to you.
Calm down. It’s only a car with a wee device. When you get your head shoved in a rat cage while travelling down the B2056 past Ilfracombe, that’s when you should start worrying.
You can also have a Satnav tucked in your glovebox and connected,it will beep if you are speeding,that’s what I use my Garmin for because as a navigation system it is useless,better to go with WAZE on you mobile..
You can set Waze to sound a warning if you are speeding, its in the options. So no need for the Gamin at all.
I’m not doubt in the minority but with regard to statutory speed limits, I find the ones who tend to blindly follow them appear to be the ones with less between their ears.
Excepting grossly inappropriate driving, people who self-regulate rather than switch off and drive at the posted limit more often than not, display more thought and perception and usually drive to a higher standard.
Speed limits are easy to enforce and prosecute. They appeal to the lowest common denominator. I’d rather see far higher standards of driver awareness and ability than blanket lower speed limits which, let’s face it, are not there for the benefit of the most aware or capable of us.
So how come the introduction of 20mph speed limits has vastly reduced the seriousness of injuries to pedestrians, especially children. You can be the best driver in the world with the quickest reaction time, but if a kid jumps out directly in front of your car without any warning you will do it far less damage at 20mph than 30mph.
Now no one will drive at 20mph though without a restriction in place irrespective of thought or perception.
They haven’t. 20mph zones are 90% ignored. Where I live, 20mph zones have also seen road narrowing for crossing points as well as mesh fences to stop certain people rushing onto the road before looking.
Sometimes a clearer perspective comes from looking at the bigger picture rather than cherry-picking statistics.
To be blunt. Kids should not run out between parked cars. I think it’s called The Green Cross Code. Also, parents should control their kids when walking to school instead of talking on social media to their mate who is literally two steps behind them.
That’s your view, which is not supported by facts.
Sorry Norman , the latest stats show no improvement in accidents in the 30 mph areas
Ello ello ello…
So are you agreeing with the 20mph zones or against them? Also, are you agreeing that the fences are a good thing or not? Also, do you agree that the road SHOULD be narrowed or not? Also, do you agree that people SHOULD be allowed to rush onto the road without looking or not? Also, are you commenting from a clearer perspective or just suggesting that it is a good idea to do so?
Also, (and I’m getting a bit tried of this now – hopefully you are too) are you really against cherry-picking statistics (apparently 123% of all cherry pickers are unwelcome immigrants, although we really do need them here for the sake of the cherry industry) or did you just do it yourself with the 90% of 20 mph zones are ignored?
Iain – what are you talking about?
Hi Les, if you can’t work it out yourself there’s probably no point trying to explain. Or are are you one of these people who always feels compelled to respond to internet questions ?
You know the type of thing, someone asks the whole world population via a website ‘Does the A420 include a self stabilizing capability?’ There’s always someone who thinks the question is directed specifically at them. Despite the fact that they don’t even know whether an A420 is a car, a part for a steam engine or an experimental artichoke they still answer ‘I don’t know, you need to ask someone else’.
Norman is now getting the idea. 20mph in places were appropriate, not just for the milking of motorists. People still need to look after them selves better, like take your phone ear buds out an look were your going! How many kids an young people do you see walk straight into the road with phone in hand looking down at it?bring back green cross code man!
The other day I was lighting my fire with a newspaper from 2013. Whilst doing so I came across an article highlighting the increase in accidents involving children stepping out onto roads while they were looking at their phones.
If they are that stupid, serves them right.
This has to be the most stupid comment I’ve probably ever seen. Incredible.
Hope you are using fossil friendly fuel..
So, as we know, or should, that kids will be kids, it’s therefore incumbent on adults to understand this and introduce steps to deal with it, not just blame the kid for getting injured and killed by drivers going too fast to stop when the kids get it wrong.
That’s called ‘parental responsibility’ – of the kid that’s crossing the road. Why is it always the driver’s fault? It’s not. I was taught the Green Cross Code when I was a young schoolkid. Has kept me safe, in all road conditions (unlike the adult I saw recently who stepped out without looking into the path of an electric car, and blamed the driver!!)
Why don’t we just go back to the horse and cart, then I guess they will have cameras photographing horses cr*pping on the road, or catch people shovelling horse manure for their garden
Bad for Climate Change!!!! all that Methane Gas from the Horse Exhaust, anybody invented a Catalytic Converter to fit in a horse’s a**e
Driving at 20mph vastly reduces injuries. 20mph limits do not have this effect as councils stupidly flood the roads with them so they get ignored. Put them where they are really needed and they will reduce casualties but make less money. You can see from they way they are used what the real purpose of them is.
Sorry Norman, they’ve not reduced casualties.
Self regulate their speed… basically those who decide they are better, more important and can drive at their chosen speed rather than the posted speed ( which may be above the safe speed at any given time). If you choose to do that please don’t complain about fines and points on your licence. To suggest self regulating drivers usually drive at a better standard is nonsense. You wouldn’t even pass a basic driving test and you are insulting the responsible driving of those who don’t feel they’re above the law and especially those who’ve taken extra training, advanced tests and so on who will be those driving to the speed limit – or slower of conditions warrant it – and are fed up with others who don’t know the speed limit, or decide they’re too important to stick to limits that are only for cloth heads anyway. Just grow up and take some responsibility.
The police are cleared to drive far faster than the statutory speed limits precisely because their training is not at the same woeful level as regular drivers.
Exactly who wouldn’t (hasn’t) pass(ed) an advanced test(s)?
“Above the law”? Do you think that a statutory limit is law and do you know the critical differences?
Very clearly not.
Alsdar, I totally agree with what your saying, these are the 40mph brigade who just think safe driving is speed, they drive like total pratts, cutting in front of you when braking, parking were they like, holding the traffic up on big national speed limit roads cos 40 mph is all I do! 3 of the walls have already give you thumps down because they don’t like looking like the pratts they are.
Yes, lack of thought really is the number 1 issue, from my point of view. It may be too fast in a 20mph zone, lack of observation or signalling, failure to accelerate sufficiently when joining a road or just poor observation and inattentiveness which causes an accident due to the braking ripple effect. That and most people are so poorly skilled that when their car slides on a slippery road, they’d actually be better off letting go of the steering wheel!
I don’t want people being put off the road but I do wish people would take an interest and even have pride in driving to a higher standard than is current.
You didn’t respond to my earlier post but as you clearly have a number of opinions on this matter. I’d be interested to hear how you suggest we pick who the good drivers are that should be allowed to self regulate their speed (and maybe drug and alcohol levels) and how they might be identified whilst driving.
How about making the bad drivers wear a yellow star on their clothing and insisting that they reside in controlled districts so they don’t contaminate the elite?
Alasdair2, Supprised you can spot any drivers that you mention due to the Glare from that HALO above your head.
Simon is spot on these cameras are,all about making money. they are always tucked away half way up a hill or round a bend etc. It’s basically a money making racket run by hypocrites for proof just watch how they race from location to the next.
Lets beat these money grabbers at their own game. Let’s stick to the speed limits. See how they like that!!
Nicely put Keith, a lot of these comments are missing the simplest truth, just don’t speed.
The problem that I have with this is that many drivers speed unintentionally by just a few mph because they are watching the road, as they should, and not their speedometers. I don’t have cruise control, so must maintain my speed manually (or pedally!).
Rubbish. They speed routinely. The reason they do so is that they’ve done so for many years, and thousands of miles, without being caught.
My route to work consists of limits set at 30 -> 40 -> 60 -> 50 -> 40 -> 30.
I can guarantee that the 50 section is the only place where I see the majority of cars going at or below the limit. The reason? It has speed cameras…
Yes but I assume it’s still your foot on the pedal, or is the Government controlling your mind (and foot) to make you go through the camera at excessive speed so they can fine you and use the ill-gotten gains to fund a ten-fold increase in Nannys?
Cruise control did not stop me getting a ticket!!!!
35 in a 30 is hardly speeding though is it? More to life to deal with. Money money money.
I suspect that may have been how an ‘innocent’ and ‘good’ driver would have seen it.
Then they had a crash, suddenly and unavoidable (due to not stopping before they hit someone) The person they hit died and now they are facing prison for the consequences of only doing 35 in a 30……..hmmmm how do they feel now?
Yawn! If only it was that simple. I’m assuming you’re human, so unless you have the magic Ford sMax referred to above I’m just wondering how you watch the road AND ensure you are doing the speed limit whilst also keeping an eye out for the next civil servant around a bend with a speed trap, especially when in an unfamiliar road?
It must be amazing to be do perfect, I do envy you.
Not difficult if you are a responsible and skilled driver, but apparently impossible if you get caught.
You can’t tell me you’ve never gone 4/5 mph over going downhill in a 30 mph stretch?GThats what we are talking about not teararzing around the country at 90mph.
are you saying that you can’t control the speed of your car when going downhill. Consider brakes and/or a lower gear..
part of the problem is areas of inappropriate speed limits…. grimshaw Lane in manchester has a run of around 1k, dead straight, fences and trees on one side and a bakery one the other.. Speed limit? 20 mph. Number of people obeying the speed limit 0.. number of people at 30 mph.. just about all of them!
One of the things that I have noticed in driving around the top half of the country is that few to no drivers coming the other way flash their lights in warning of a speed trap any more. I always do.
Gerbil, make sure old bill doe’s not see you do this as it is an offence
There will come a point when our lives will be policed by AI. And not just on the roads. Maybe that will be the time when we join the yellow vests on the streets and make sure the government of the day does u turns on it’s police state policies.
Incidentally I am all for enforcement of speed limits in urban areas and dangerous hotspots. However I am also all for raising the speed limit on motorways to 80 mph.
Many already drive at 80mph. Raise it to 80 and they’d travel at 90mph
On environmental and pollution issues there is a sound argument for reducing the limit to 60mph as this would be vastly less environmentally damaging.
Could we have 83mph limits like most of the continent when we all have coal fired EV cars with displaced pollution please Sir? The roads are about GETTING SOMEWHERE and time itself is precious too… Reduce the motorways to 60 indeed 🙁
My Volvo is auto and torque converter lockup occurs at 62 mph so 60mph increases enviroment damage
You didn’t star in Speed did you? Or is is just that your comments are Bullock’s?
So what about the pollution from the 20-mile an hour limits on major roads in cities
Again the actual speed can be lower.Crawling at 5 mph is very polluting.
Yes, and a speed of zero would be even better for the environment.
But only for bad drivers! The GOOD drivers on here should be exempt of course.
So on that basis when we all go electric we can raise the speed limit, by the same token 20mph, and speed bumps increase pollution.
It should be up to 90mph on the motorway and scrap that 50mph average cr*p
Nothing A about your I, that’s for sure.
AI will be happening sooner than you know. We are all being setup now. Smart meters is another stage connect to wifi . When 5G is initialized were all gonners. Check Wireless 5G on YouTube
Ah yes, I get all my hard, indisputable facts from YouTube (no crackpots there) and of course Geordie Shore.
Of course you’re going to say that I would say that as I’m being brainwashed by the system aren’t you.
Now I know I must pay more attention to controlling my speed at the expense of controlling the vehicle. Its about time all cars were fitted with GPS speed restrictiors – but wait that would deprive the government of a large income.
Excactly. We have had speed bumps in a local estate for some years now – the small ones that buses and trucks can avoid.You have to take them carefully to avoid damage and that means you are distracted from looking out for pedestrians!
I think its great that a police force that has depleted hugely in recent years and has to prioritise crimes to better use their officers has decided that spending their budget on catching motorists that might be a few mph over the limit is more of a priority than dealing with the issues i seem to keep hearing on the news almost every single day of the year like gangs, random attacks, robberies, stabbings and shootings, rape, kidnapping and murder. These are the issues that stop people going out of their homes but someone who drives a bit fast from time to time i don’t think has the same fear factor, i think it is more what most people might consider idiocy but not so much criminal. I wouldn’t mind betting that most motorists are taxpayers and can afford to pay fines whereas the people that commit all the other serious crimes i have mentioned are probably not taxpayers even though i expect nearly all their victims are so the police chase the money not the conviction.
Also with the roads that congested with traffic these days there not always many chances of going over speed limits so i understand when some people decide to go a bit fast when they may have been held up for long periods. We don’t hear of Joe Bloggs on the news everyday because he was speeding but we do hear of many other more disturbing crimes that are getting more frequent.
There are far greater ‘crimes’ than being 9mph over, but in not even looking for these trivialities so much more gets through. Bald tyres, uninsured, drunk, on drugs, unroadworthy. So please, like the authorities, think far further than just about speed. Never has it been easier to drive home from the pub…
You know why, plod concentrating on the morning after driver, as a lot of us will walk or taxi home but we will happily jump into our cars next morning for work without a thought. and there they are… got ya, usually on the busiest roundabout they can find to cause absolute mayhem.
So we as a society should allow drivers to get into their car when they’re still over the limit?
Don’t be an a*se!
Ouch! Chris? Is that Paul Merton in disguise or…………I seem to recognise the clever syntax and elegant construct…… could it be ‘chris’ my nemesis from the earlier thread? Are you stalking me Last Word Man? I bet you’ve been searching through the threads I’ve commented on and giving them a ‘thumbs down’. Am I right-CAR?
Oh sorry Iain, I though that was the persona you where trying for considering the content and tone of your posts towards other on here.
As for stalking you, wrong as I would have to have an interest in you, I don’t, you are un interesting just colourful in your thoughts.
Finally you say “Am I right” aren’t you always in your world.
Must have a look towards bottom of the comment list as I am betting you will be down there as well enlightening us all to your wit.
Well my little stalker-in-denial there’s very little I can say in response to that, mainly because it appears to be a jumble of incoherence neatly wrapped up in a finely woven cloth of gibberish.
You suggest I’m always right in my world (aren’t we all?) but I’m giving you the chance to prove me wrong if you think you can manage that.
One of your posts was : ‘You know why, plod concentrating on the morning after driver, as a lot of us will walk or taxi home but we will happily jump into our cars next morning for work without a thought. and there they are… got ya, usually on the busiest roundabout they can find to cause absolute mayhem.’
I ask if you’re thereby condoning people driving at any time of day over the limit, even ‘tho it had been hours since they drank. You then call me an ar*se.
Seemingly you are relating to some personal experience here but basically you appear to be suggesting that driving to work in the morning even ‘tho you’re over the limit (knowingly or otherwise) should be completely ignored by the authorities as it might cause congestion. If that IS what you’re saying – and please correct me if I’m wrong – then I think you’re deluded. Unfortunate if you’ve been caught (as many people might unwittingly find themselves in the same situation), but nevertheless deluded.
Now if you want to counter my point then please do so. Over to you-CAR.
What no personal abuse? you must have taken your meds this time!
The manner in which you reply to other indicates your point is right other wise you will get rather “techy” with people, always the “challenge to prove me wrong” shows to other you are a rather aggressive person.
The statement alone “am I condoning people that drink and drive” makes you an ar*se! that resonates to me that although you sound an intelligent person you clearly are not only a complete idiot drinks and drives.
The point you either where to stupid to see or decided not to see so you can have another punt at a wind up was quite simple.
Many years back lots of people would have a few pints in the pub jump in their cars and drive home without a 2nd thought. There was quite a media push in papers. on radio and TV to “educate” us as drivers.
Over the past decade we have seen many TV adverts DES being a more memorable one where DES (designated driver) was suppose to wear a badge so as all bar staff could see he was the driver so no alcohol was served to him, another rather memorable one was the girl in the pub run over by the two drunks and their table in the bar, there where a number of others on the go as well, but you tell me how many adverts have you seem/remember about the morning after?
Plod does not pull many drivers for drinking anymore as I believe there are not that many people are actually doing it now in the evening as we are all pre programmed now DO NOT DRINK DRIVE.
There is a big push in the morning though as a lot of people will still be over the limit as the point was made about us jumping in our cars with out a thought and off to work.
We had a Christmas party on Friday many people where hanging, yet most of those people where in work 8:30 Sat morning looking like S*@t, not one of them realised they could still be over the limit as most thought a few hours sleep and I am fine to drive just feel rough, it is surprising how many people do not know this as there has not been such a big push on this for some reason.
Locally at night there is very little Traffic police presence but come the morning it is really quite heavy and you can see they are on the look out, so they have realised there is more of a danger now in the mornings.
simple point really, but for your sake I will explain, it has 5 in/out exits and is very busy in the mornings with people going to work/school etc approaching this roundabout there are several sections of straight road, instead of using one of these they chose the roundabout granted you will catch more people on it, its a fast roundabout with very short stopping zones if you wish to pull someone, not only that they where indicating to people in the inside lane to pull over???? which meant you had to cut across the vehicles on the outside to make it in the rough field gateway they where using and I believe according to the local papers they where quite a few near misses so its not a case of ignoring the drunks in the morning more a case of “use your head” for your check points, a busy roundabout ….. not really ideal is it, Am I speaking from personal experience – YES! I was almost taken out by a Punto being called over just in front of me he was in the inside and came straight across me.
Sorry to let you down but I have never been caught, can’t get caught for something you don’t do can you, and if you are really interested I have a zero tolerance belief, you should as a drive have NO alcohol in your blood. Am I tea total? NO.
So over to you for a witty retort.
Oh you certainly haven’t let me down, quite the reverse.
As for ‘no personal abuse’, there was plenty, you just didn’t spot it-CAR.
To be honest it’s hardly surprising that the police chase money over conviction when you look at the extreme cuts over recent years. We should be pointing blame at our MPs for their idiotic cuts which reduce policing power, not the police themselves. If you belonged to a force, and the only way to increase your criminal fighting ability was through fining speeding motorists, you would too.
The police do so much more for our society than many realise. I personally am very grateful for their service during what is possibly one of the hardest times to be a member of the police force.
Don’t get me wrong though, I completely disagree with the severity of punishment for people in the wrong place at the wrong time doing 34mph in a 30 zone at 1am.
Check your council tax, the police put their bit up 4% average every year.
How many of those who comment that the people who are never caught Drink, Drug, On Mobile Phones, Dangerous, Reckless, Driving without Due Care & Attention, Faulty Cars etc. etc. would like to suggest how much more taxation they would be prepared to pay so Police Numbers could be increased to get more patrol cars on the roads to catch these drivers?????
Not many of them I bet.
I think you missed my point.
Walker8, What point????? Many commenters on this site always complain about speeding being only a money making device and suggest the police should make more efforts in catching those types of drivers I mention and less time pursuing those who break the speed limit by what they consider to be a minimal excess above the given limit. ie. 10% + 2mph which equates to approx. 18% above a 30mph limit.
My point is that if you want more drivers caught committing those offences mentioned then taxes have to rise to pay for more police patrols on our roads.
Hope this explanation is simple enough for you to understand.
I don’t think that speeding fines go to the Police . Am sure they go to the Government pot to be wasted on MP’s expenses and travelling costs
The real crimes are hushed up and withheld from tv newsrooms plus all newspapers. So 90% of the public is neverthewise . If you want to get the real crime rate or very much nearer YouTube will get you there. Go to the beginning of it all by putting in the YouTube search bar Agenda 21 for Dummies.
This is not a joke.
John, with all due respect the joke is the right-wing rants of those opposed to Agenda 21- a mealy-mouthed bunch of misfits who have their own agenda and it is nothing to so with anything other than pushing their extreme views and lining their own pockets. Think some of the more self-serving UK politicians then put them on steroids. Nutters the lot of them.
What exactly does this sentence mean? – “The camera does have a tolerance of 10% plus 2mph, but all of these drivers will be receiving a fine and points.” I find it very confusing. Having a tolerance of 10% plus 2 mph makes me think that you would not be fined but then the sentence goes on to say that all drivers even those within the ‘10% + 2mph’ would be fined. Would they or would they not? That is the question.
It was in a 50 zone so those referred to in the article exceed 50 by 10% + 2 MPH or more. Hence they will receive a penalty notice. That is the answer LOL
It means the 3 people they caught doing 62, 59 and 67mph in a 50 zone will receive fines. (They were above the 10% + 2mph)
I have been on a course, i am fully taxed,mot,insurance+not a moron !. You would not belive the scope of persons on said course-all avge joe/jane public. Lapse of consentration,in a rush,didnt see the sign all the usual excuses like not doing your homework at school. I dont agree to the vans being where they are but i now dont speed. It 7 seconds! longer to a mile at 70mph than it does at 80mph so is it realy worth 3points+£100 fine ????.
We are talking here mainly about 4 mph in 30 mph zones not 80mph..that is blatant speeding.
Joe, So is 34mph in a 30mph zone depending on which constabulary you are driving in
People are not machines, their performance levels vary. Without rest the variance can be considerable. If cameras are set at a level where they catch those who ignore the good reasons for a limit that’s fine. If they start catching reasonable people who creep over occasionally, despite their best efforts, there will be less respect for enforcement not more.
Keeping to or within the speed limit is a basic fundamental aspect of driving, there are far more taxing aspects of driving. Any one who’s ‘best efforts’ fail to manage this should reassess their abilities at the wheel.
Without rest? Driving tired kills more than driving over the limit.