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Unleaded Drivers
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Savings are based on a consumer buying 1,000 litres a year. Cost-saving statistics are calculated on common, average price spreads in UK urban areas.
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Read the latest from the motoring industry
Why UK Unleaded Prices aren’t going to continue to fall
UK drivers have seen a welcome drop in unleaded petrol prices, now averaging 135p per litre (ppl) – a level not witnessed since October 2021. This decline is largely due to an oversupply in the wholesale market, which has pushed down the price of Brent crude oil. The...
From Diana Ross to Coldplay: New study reveals how our music taste differs based on our car brand
When heading out on a car journey, a key part of establishing the atmosphere of your upcoming trip is the music, with over half of drivers (59%) listening to music for the majority of their car rides. But with plenty of choice, it can be difficult to decide what...
Second-hand September: Data reveals the most affordable cars for new drivers
With new number plates introduced this month, September is naturally a more popular time for motorists to sell their car for a new model - and, as a result, the best time of year for new drivers to snag their dream vehicle. But which car is the best fit for your first...
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No matter where you are, access local fuel prices and plan your refuelling wisely. Find locations with our Petrol and Diesel Prices Checker.
App Map
Our Fuel Map offers the most comprehensive fuel price tracking available in the UK.
Find the lowest prices quickly and conveniently. Explore our Fuel Prices Map.
Supermarket Fuel Brands
Supermarket petrol stations can offer great value and convenience. Shop around to get the best fuel price.
Earn more with every mile at Tesco petrol stations. Stay updated with the latest petrol and diesel prices – and earn Clubcard points. See Tesco Fuel Prices and make the most of your petrol purchases.
Fill up at Sainsbury’s – and we’ll help you find the best prices. Discover the latest offers at Sainsbury’s petrol stations near you. Visit Sainsbury’s Fuel Page for cost-effective fuelling options.
Costco members enjoy exclusive fuel savings. Get updated petrol and diesel prices, make your membership count. Check Costco Fuel Prices for member-only benefits.
Fuel Brands
The leading petrol retailers are known for their advanced fuel options, but prices vary. We will help you get the most out of every tank.
Esso’s advanced fuels are engineered for efficiency. Find the nearest Esso station and today’s fuel prices. Check out Esso Fuel Prices.
Drive further with Shell’s innovative fuel solutions. Locate Shell stations and view up-to-date fuel pricing. Here are your Shell Fuel Prices.
Keep up with today’s most competitive prices – Visit BP Fuel Prices.
Find the best price for Texaco fuel with our fuel price checker. Texaco Fuel Prices.
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